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CHU Caen Normandie
Bâtiment de Biologie
Avenue de la Côte de Nacre
14033 Caen Cedex 09

Operational manager
Dr Luce Dauphinot

Scientific head officer
Pr Denis Vivien

The MACSQuant Analyzer 16 is an analytical flow cytometer including a sample pre-enrichment function using a magnetic column, MACS Miltenyi Biotec patented technology, which operates on the principle of magnetic sorting. Adapted to cytometry, it allows to :

  • Increase the detection of rare events
  • Lighten and make cytometer files more readable
  • Increase the number of rare cells to study subpopulations

The MACSQuant Analyzer 16 allows to have 16 optical parameters, the FSC and SSC with PMT and 14 fluorescences:

- 6 PMT on the 405nm purple laser

- 7 PMT on the 488nm blue laser

- 3 PMT on the 640nm red laser

It has a PMT, not a photodiode like most cytometers, on the Forward Scatter (FSC) and Side Scatter (SSC), moreover the FSC is on the Blue laser while the SSC is on the purple laser, thus allowing for a better resolution for the detection of particles of variable sizes and in particular microparticles of approximately 100 nm.

The MACSQuant Analyzer 16 offers the possibility of absolute and volumetric counting of cells/particles without counting beads. It is equipped with a Hamilton precision syringe, calibrated between 0 and 450 µL, allowing the exact volume desired to be sampled by the user and acquired. The results can be expressed in absolute count and/or cell concentration (Count/µL or Count/mL).

For more info about the technology you can visit  Miltenyi Biotec website

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Actualités / News

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