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CHU Caen Normandie
Bâtiment de Biologie
Avenue de la Côte de Nacre
14033 Caen Cedex 09

Operational manager
Dr Luce Dauphinot

Scientific head officer
Pr Denis Vivien

The INNOVASEQ platform offers equipements and services for cell sorting and highthrouput sequencing.

The creation of this technological core facility on the EPOPEA campus aims to enable the detection of clinical and preclinical diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in order to meet the challenges of biomedical research. This project is led by the Blood and Brain@Caen Normandie Institute (BB@C) and the GIP CYCERON.

All of the services are intended for the entire scientific community, national and international, public and private, for research collaborations and/or services.

The platform is open to development and implementation of new protocols to meet the specific needs of the scientific community.

Do not hesitate to contact us.


The European project EquipInnovCaen2022-RNAseq is funded by the European Union within the framework of the Operationnal Programme ERDF/ESF 2014-2020.


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